Why would someone need a Wireless Range Extender?

If you’re wondering why would someone need a wireless range extender? then you are at the right place. We will explain in this post that why would anyone want spend there hard earned cash on WiFi that they are already paying for and already have a wireless router. There are multiple reasons why you or someone want to have a wireless range extender.

5 Reasons Why you need a Wireless Range Extender?

  1. You have a large home or office.
  2. You have a WiFi Dead zone in your home or office.
  3. There are spots in your home where the WiFi is slow.
  4. You want WiFi coverage at your front or backyard.
  5. You want the best WiFI speed in your entire home.

Let me explain each reason listed above briefly. After reading these reason it should be easy for you to make a decision, weather you need an extender or not.

  1. You have a large home or office: In case you have large home or office you may have some spots in your home that your existing wireless router may not be able to reach. In order to cover your entire home you may need a wireless range extender or extenders.
  2. You have WiFi Dead zone in your home or office: It doesn’t even matter how large or small your home is you can still have WiFi dead zones in your home. In order to get rid of these WiFi dead zones in your home you may need to buy an extender.
  3. There are spots in your home where the WiFi is slow: You may find some spots in your home where your video on youtube is buffering alot or your favorite news website is taking longer than usual to open then this spot may be perfect to have a wireless range extender.
  4. You want WiFi coverage at your front or backyard: Sometimes the existing wireless router is not enough to reach your front or back end of the house in this scenario you will not be able to enjoy favorite web series while sitting outside and to overcome this situation you will need wireless range extender.
  5. You want the best WiFi speed in your entire home: You may have spots in your home where you are not able to get the best WiFi speed from your existing wireless router. You would need to get a wireless range extender in this case as well.

So above are the reasons why you would probably need an additional wireless range extender. You can buy a Rockspace range extender or buy any other range extender just make sure it is an universal range extender that will work with your router. If you already have a range extender and want to know how to set it up then click here to find out.

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